Thursday, January 22, 2009


Please go to the new Connection Group site:

Connection Group Covenant

Connecting with God. Connecting with people. Connecting with the world.

Connection Groups target the second part of our mission- to connect with people. We believe that being in relationships, in the body of Christ, is an essential part of every Christ-followers life.

In the days of the early Church the first Christ followers gathered the first day of the week (Sunday) for worship. In addition, they meet throughout the week, daily in fact, in homes (Acts 2:46; Romans 16:5; 1 Corinthians 16:19; Colossians 4:15). We believe that being a part of a Connection Group is not something we do in addition to “going to church,” it is essential to “be the church.”

We gather around the following values:

Common Purpose: To become more Christ-like in everything.
Common Place: To become more a part of our community.
Common Possessions: To become more generous in supporting one another.

• We agree to meet for the duration of this semester.
• We will try to make every Group meeting.
• We will discuss the topic/text of worship services.
• We will make worshiping at Connections a priority. If we cannot be at worship we will listen or read the message online.
• We will support our facilitators and hosts and respect their role.
• We will be respecters of persons.
• We will practice confidentiality.
• We will seek to deepen relationships within the group.
• We will play together.
• We will serve together.

When: _________________________________________________

Where: _________________________________________________
